ChemistryQGD | |
chemistryModel | |
BasicChemistryModel | |
BasicChemistryModelsQGD.C | Creates chemistry model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD thermo |
TDACChemistryModel | |
reduction | |
makeChemistryReductionMethodsQGD.C | Creates chemistry model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD thermo |
tabulation | |
makeChemistryTabulationMethodsQGD.C | Creates chemistry model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD thermo |
chemistryModelsDoc.H | |
chemistrySolver | |
chemistrySolverDoc.H | |
makeChemistrySolversQGD.C | Creates chemistry solver instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD thermo |
doc | |
chemistryQGDDoc.H | |
CombustionQGD | |
CombustionModels | |
CombustionQGDModels.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
diffusion | |
diffusionsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
diffusionMulticomponent | |
diffusionMulticomponentsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
EDC | |
EDCsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
eddyDissipationDiffusionModel | |
eddyDissipationDiffusionModelsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
FSD | |
FSDsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
infinitelyFastChemistry | |
infinitelyFastChemistrysQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
laminar | |
laminarsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
noCombustion | |
noCombustionsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
PaSR | |
PaSRsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
zoneCombustion | |
zoneCombustionsQGD.C | Creates combustion model instances templated on the type of thermodynamics for QGD reaction thermo |
chemistryQGDDoc.H | |
interQHDFoam | |
createFaceFields.H | Creates the face fields: linear interpolation of fields from volumes to face centers |
createFaceFluxes.H | Creates the face-flux fields |
createFields.H | |
interQHDFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of 2 incompressible immisicible fluids governed by quasi-hydrodynamic dynamic (QHD) equations |
smoothSolution.H | |
updateFields.H | Updates fields |
updateFluxes.H | Updates fluxes for continuity equation |
mulesQHDFoam | |
createFaceFields.H | |
createFaceFluxes.H | |
createFields.H | |
mulesQHDFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of incompressible viscous fluid governed by quasi-hydrodynamic dynamic (QHD) equations. The temperature scalar transport equation is solved by MULES technology |
MULESTEqn.H | Solves temperature scalar transport equation using MULES (Multidimensional universal limiter for explicit solution) technology |
updateFields.H | |
updateFluxes.H | |
particlesQGDFoam | |
createClouds.H | |
createFaceFields.H | |
createFaceFluxes.H | |
createFields.H | |
particlesQGDFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of perfect gas governed by quasi-gas dynamic (QGD) equations at all Mach numbers (from 0 to infinity) coupled with particles motion |
updateFields.H | |
updateFluxes.H | |
particlesQHDFoam | |
createClouds.H | |
createFaceFields.H | |
createFaceFluxes.H | |
createFields.H | |
particlesQHDFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of incompressible fluid governed by quasi-hydrodynamic dynamic (QHD) equations coupled with particles motion |
updateFields.H | |
updateFluxes.H | |
QGD | |
BCs | |
cosVelocity | |
cosVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C | |
cosVelocityFvPatchVectorField.H | |
qgdFlux | |
qgdFluxFvPatchScalarField.C | |
qgdFluxFvPatchScalarField.H | |
qhdFlux | |
qhdFluxFvPatchScalarField.C | |
qhdFluxFvPatchScalarField.H | |
QGDBCsDoc.H | |
fvsc | |
fvscStencil | |
fvscStencil.C | |
fvscStencil.H | |
fvscStencilDoc.H | |
GaussVolPoint | |
GaussVolPointBase.C | |
GaussVolPointBase.H | |
GaussVolPointBase1D.C | |
GaussVolPointBase1D.H | |
GaussVolPointBase2D.C | |
GaussVolPointBase2D.H | |
GaussVolPointBase3D.C | |
GaussVolPointBase3D.H | |
GaussVolPointDoc.H | |
GaussVolPointStencil.C | |
GaussVolPointStencil.H | |
leastSquares | |
extendedFaceStencilCalculateWeights.C | |
extendedFaceStencilFindNeighbours.C | |
extendedFaceStencilScalarGrad.C | |
leastSquaresBase.C | |
leastSquaresBase.H | |
leastSquaresDoc.H | |
leastSquaresStencil.C | |
leastSquaresStencil.H | |
leastSquaresOpt | |
extendedFaceStencilFormVfValues.H | |
extendedFaceStencilScalarDer.C | |
extendedFaceStencilScalarGradOpt.C | |
leastSquaresOptDoc.H | |
leastSquaresStencilOpt.C | |
leastSquaresStencilOpt.H | |
reduced | |
reducedDoc.H | |
reducedFaceNormalStencil.C | |
reducedFaceNormalStencil.H | |
fvsc.C | |
fvsc.H | |
fvscDoc.H | |
QGDCoeffs | |
constScPrModel1 | |
constScPrModel1.C | |
constScPrModel1.H | |
constScPrModel1n | |
constScPrModel1n.C | |
constScPrModel1n.H | |
constScPrModel2 | |
constScPrModel2.C | |
constScPrModel2.H | |
constTau | |
constTau.C | |
constTau.H | |
H2bynuQHD | |
H2bynuQHD.C | |
H2bynuQHD.H | |
HbyUQHD | |
HbyUQHD.C | |
HbyUQHD.H | |
QGDCoeffs | |
QGDCoeffs.C | |
QGDCoeffs.H | |
T0byGr | |
T0byGr.C | |
T0byGr.H | |
varScModel5 | |
varScModel5.C | |
varScModel5.H | |
varScModel6 | |
varScModel6.C | |
varScModel6.H | |
varScModel7 | |
varScModel7.C | |
varScModel7.H | |
QGDCoeffsDoc.H | |
QGDcommon | |
createIcoZeroSources.H | |
createZeroSources.H | |
mcQGD.H | |
mQGDCourantNo.H | Calculates the maximum mass flux based Courant Number |
QGD.H | |
QGDcommonDoc.H | |
QGDCourantNo.H | Calculates the mean and maximum wave speed based Courant Numbers |
QGDEEqn.H | Equation of energy for QGD solver |
QGDInterpolate.H | Creates interpolation instances templated for QGD solver |
QGDRhoEqn.H | |
QGDUEqn.H | Solution of momentum equation for QGD solver |
QGDYEqn.H | Solution of momentum equation for QGD solver |
QHD.H | Includation for QHD solver. Equations of state for QHD based on density. Class for fvsc namespace |
QHDCourantNo.H | Calculates the mean and maximum wave speed based Courant Numbers |
QHDpEqn.H | Solution of continuity equation for QGD solver |
QHDTEqn.H | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of incompressible fluid governed by quasi-hydrodynamic dynamic (QHD) equations |
QHDUEqn.H | Solution of momentum equation for QHD solver |
setDeltaT-QGDQHD.H | Reset the timestep to maintain a constant maximum courant Number. Reduction of time-step is immediate, but increase is damped to avoid unstable oscillations |
thermoModels | |
doc | |
thermoModelsDoc.H | |
powerLaw | |
powerLawDoc.H | |
powerLawTransport.C | |
powerLawTransport.H | |
powerLawTransportI.H | |
psiQGDReactionThermo | |
psiQGDReactionThermo.C | |
psiQGDReactionThermo.H | |
psiQGDReactionThermoDoc.H | |
psiQGDReactionThermos.C | |
psiQGDThermo | |
hePsiQGDThermo.C | |
hePsiQGDThermo.H | |
psiQGDThermo.C | |
psiQGDThermo.H | |
psiQGDThermoDoc.H | |
psiQGDThermos.C | |
QGDThermo | |
QGDThermo.C | |
QGDThermo.H | |
QGDThermoDoc.H | |
rhoQGDThermo | |
heRhoQGDThermo.C | |
heRhoQGDThermo.H | |
rhoQGDThermo.C | |
rhoQGDThermo.H | |
rhoQGDThermoDoc.H | |
rhoQGDThermos.C | |
QGDFoam | |
createFaceFields.H | Creates the face fields: linear interpolation of fields from volumes to face centers |
createFaceFluxes.H | Creates the face-flux fields |
createFields.H | |
QGDFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of viscous perfect gas governed by quasi-gas dynamic (QGD) equations at all Mach numbers (from 0.01 to infinity) |
updateFields.H | Updates fields |
updateFluxes.H | Updates fluxes for continuity equation, momentum balance equation, energy balance equation |
QHDDyMFoam | |
createFaceFields.H | Creates the face fields: linear interpolation of fields from volumes to face centers |
createFaceFluxes.H | Creates the face-flux fields |
createFields.H | |
QHDDyMFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of incompressible fluid governed by quasi-hydrodynamic dynamic (QHD) equations with support for deforming meshes |
updateFields.H | Updates fields |
updateFluxes.H | Updates fluxes for continuity equation |
QHDFoam | |
createFaceFields.H | |
createFaceFluxes.H | |
createFields.H | |
QHDFoam.C | |
updateFields.H | |
updateFluxes.H | |
reactingLagrangianQGDFoam | |
addEnergyFluxes.H | |
createClouds.H | |
createFaceFields.H | |
createFaceFluxes.H | |
createFields.H | |
reactingLagrangianQGDFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of perfect gas governed by quasi-gas dynamic (QGD) equations at all Mach numbers (from 0 to infinity) coupled with chemistry reactions |
readScNumbers.H | |
updateFields.H | |
updateFluxes.H | |
scalarTransportQHDFoam | |
createFaceFields.H | |
createFaceFluxes.H | |
createFields.H | |
scalarTransportQHDFoam.C | Evolves a passive scalar transport equation with regularized terms |
updateFields.H | |
updateFluxes.H | |
SRFQHDFoam | |
createFaceFields.H | Creates the face fields: linear interpolation of fields from volumes to face centers |
createFaceFluxes.H | Creates the face-flux fields |
createFields.H | |
SRFQHDFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of incompressible fluid governed by quasi-hydrodynamic dynamic (QHD) equations with support for single rotating frame (SRF) models |
updateFields.H | Updates fields |
updateFluxes.H | Updates fluxes for continuity equation |
TwoPhaseQGD | |
BCs | |
mQhdFlux | |
mQhdFluxFvPatchScalarField.C | |
mQhdFluxFvPatchScalarField.H | |
QGDCoeffs | |
twoPhaseConstTau | |
twoPhaseConstTau.C | |
twoPhaseConstTau.H | |
thermoModels | |
doc | |
thermoModelsDoc.H | |
qInterfaceProperties | |
qInterfaceProperties.C | |
qInterfaceProperties.H | |
qInterfacePropertiesDoc.H | |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermo | |
constTwoPhaseProperties.C | |
constTwoPhaseProperties.H | Constant properties for two phase package. Templated into a given thermodynamics package (needed for thermal conductivity) |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermo.C | |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermo.H | |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermoDoc.H | |
utils | |
selectBadCells | |
selectBadCells.C | Picks up cells which can produce oscillations in QGD solution and puts them into the badCells cell set. Works only in serial mode |
zQGDFoam | |
createFaceFields.H | |
createFaceFluxes.H | |
createFields.H | |
directionInterpolate.H | |
updateFields.H | |
updateFluxes.H | |
zQGDFoam.C | Solver for unsteady 3D turbulent flow of perfect gas governed by quasi-gas dynamic (QGD) equations at high Mach numbers (from 2 to infinity) |