constTwoPhaseProperties | |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermo | Thermodynamics and mechanics class for incompressible two-phase mixture of immiscible components |
leastSquares::extendedFaceStencilCalculateWeights | Base methods for calculating weights |
leastSquares::extendedFaceStencilFindNeighbours | Base methods for finding neighbours |
leastSquaresOpt::extendedFaceStencilFormVfValues | Function for filling of array which contain which will contain the cells necessary for use by several processors. Source file extendedFaceStencilScalarDer.C extendedFaceStencilScalarGradOpt.C leastSquaresStencilOpt.C |
leastSquaresOpt::extendedFaceStencilScalarDer | Methods for optimal calculating of directional derivative. With parallel realisation |
leastSquares::extendedFaceStencilScalarGrad | |
leastSquaresOpt::extendedFaceStencilScalarGradOpt | Methods for optimal calculating of directional derivative. With parallel realisation |
fixedGradientFvPatchScalarField | |
mQhdFluxFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition |
qgdFluxFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition |
qhdFluxFvPatchScalarField | This boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition |
fvsc | Methods calculating of differential operators |
GaussVolPoint::GaussVolPoint1D | This is a method for approximating derivatives of tangents to a face (1D case). They are further used in the calculation of the QGD terms |
GaussVolPoint::GaussVolPoint2D | This is a method for approximating derivatives of tangents to a face (2D case). They are further used in the calculation of the QGD terms |
GaussVolPoint::GaussVolPoint3D | This is a method for approximating derivatives of tangents to a face (3D case). They are further used in the calculation of the QGD terms |
GaussVolPoint::GaussVolPointBase | This is a method for approximating derivatives of tangents to a face. They are further used in the calculation of the QGD terms |
GaussVolPoint::GaussVolPointBase1D | |
GaussVolPointBase1D | |
GaussVolPointBase | |
GaussVolPoint | |
GaussVolPoint::GaussVolPointBase2D | |
GaussVolPointBase2D | |
GaussVolPointBase | |
GaussVolPointBase3D | |
GaussVolPointBase | |
GaussVolPoint::GaussVolPointBase3D | |
GaussVolPoint::GaussVolPointStencil | Methods calculation of differential operators without tangential derivatives |
heRhoThermo | Energy for a mixture based on density |
heThermo | |
hePsiQGDThermo< BasicPsiThermo, MixtureType > | Energy for a perfect gas mixture with QGD equations |
heRhoQGDThermo< BasicPsiThermo, MixtureType > | |
IOdictionary | |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermo | Thermodynamics and mechanics class for incompressible two-phase mixture of immiscible components |
leastSquaresBase | |
leastSquares | |
leastSquaresOpt | |
leastSquares::leastSquaresBase | Base methods for calculating weights and finding neighbours |
leastSquares::leastSquaresStencil | Realisation least squares method for calculationg of differential operators |
leastSquaresOpt::leastSquaresStencilOpt | Methods for optimal calculating of directional derivative. With parallel realisation |
mixedFvPatchVectorField | |
cosVelocityFvPatchVectorField | This boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition |
psiQGDThermo | Possible thermo properties for thermo model |
psiThermo | |
psiQGDThermo | Class describing thermophysical properties of perfect gas with motion governed by Quasi- Gas dynamics equations |
psiQGDReactionThermo | Foam::psiQGDReactionThermo |
QGDThermo | Abstract base class for classes implementing thermophysical properties of gases and fluids governed by regularized equations (QGD & QHD) |
psiQGDThermo | Class describing thermophysical properties of perfect gas with motion governed by Quasi- Gas dynamics equations |
rhoQGDThermo | Basic thermodynamic properties based on density |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermo | Thermodynamics and mechanics class for incompressible two-phase mixture of immiscible components |
qInterfaceProperties | Contains the interface properties |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermo | Thermodynamics and mechanics class for incompressible two-phase mixture of immiscible components |
reduced::reducedFaceNormalStencil | Methods calculating of differential operators without tangential direvatives |
refCount | |
fvscStencil | This is a method for calculation the differential operators without tangential derivatives. They are further used in the calculation of the QGD terms |
GaussVolPoint | |
leastSquares | |
leastSquaresOpt | |
reduced | |
QGDCoeffs | Base class for all classes describing QGD model coefficients. Provides interfaces for accessing QGD/QHD models coefficients ^{QGD}, ^{QGD}, ^{QGD}, ^{QGD}, h^{QGD} |
constScPrModel1 | Class describing QGD model coefficients using constant values for Sc^{QGD}, Pr^{QGD} and specified field: |
constScPrModel1n | Class describing QGD model coefficients using constant values for Sc^{QGD}, Pr^{QGD} and specified field: |
constScPrModel2 | Class describing QGD model coefficients using constant values for Sc^{QGD}, Pr^{QGD} and specified field: |
constTau | Class for case constant and uniform distribution |
H2bynuQHD | Class for one of possible ways of tau calculating |
HbyUQHD | Class for one of possible ways of $$ calculating. in this case $$ parameter is calculating by |
T0byGr | Class for to calculate $$ as inverse proportional of Grashoff number. in this case $$ parameter is calculated by |
twoPhaseConstTau | |
varScModel5 | Class describing QGD model coefficients using dynamic values for Sc^{QGD}, Pr^{QGD} and specified field: |
varScModel6 | Class describing QGD model coefficients using dynamic values for Sc^{QGD}, Pr^{QGD} and specified field: |
varScModel7 | Class describing QGD model coefficients using dynamic values for Sc^{QGD}, Pr^{QGD} and specified field: |
regIOobject | |
fvscStencil | This is a method for calculation the differential operators without tangential derivatives. They are further used in the calculation of the QGD terms |
QGDCoeffs | Base class for all classes describing QGD model coefficients. Provides interfaces for accessing QGD/QHD models coefficients ^{QGD}, ^{QGD}, ^{QGD}, ^{QGD}, h^{QGD} |
rhoThermo | |
rhoQGDThermo | Basic thermodynamic properties based on density |
Thermo | |
powerLawTransport< Thermo > | Constant properties Transport package. Templated into a given thermodynamics package (needed for thermal conductivity) |
twoPhaseConstTau | Class for one of possible ways of tau calculating |
twoPhaseMixture | |
twoPhaseIcoQGDThermo | Thermodynamics and mechanics class for incompressible two-phase mixture of immiscible components |